Make a chips dip tray

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I never know where inspiration will come from. Often I build projects based on a simple need I wish to fulfill. My silverware drawer organizer is a good example. Other times, I just happen upon items I see in stores or at garage sales and think, "I can make that!" Then its a fun process figuring out how to "make it my own", varrying the design.
Lately, Ive been in kind of a woodworking funk, not really having any project begging to be made. At least within the context of Mere Mortals; my big ideas would require a lot of time and money to make and are on the back burner.
Johns chips & dip tray
Social networking for Mere MortalsFacebook has opened up a new world of possibilities for ideas. I really like the informal nature of social networking that allows everyone to upload photos of projects and get feedback from lots of viewers. Its a treasure trove of woodworking ideas. Such is the case when John Henricks uploaded a picture of a chips and dip tray he was building. It had never even occurred to me to make one. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration John. It really helped me out of a rut.
To the right is Johns tray, which I think is a far better design than mine. It just seems classier. He hadnt completed it yet in this picture, but you get the idea. John, send over a completed picture if you can!
Heres a video of my version. Its very simple, but I had trouble cutting the holes. Its made of 2x4 redwood studs from my neighbors bathroom floor. And hey, if you arent already a liker (is that what its called?), head on over to the Mere Mortals Facebook page and "like" it for lots more great ideas!

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