These kids today

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Kids of every generation get a bad rap. When I was a kid, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden were certain to corrupt every kid that listened to their music. I dated a girl who dyed her hair blue. Horrors. Things havent really changed that much: we latch on to a few examples of "kids gone bad", ignoring the fact that most kids are like we were and do some really cool stuff.
My son Wyatt is rehearsing for a musical. He goes to school at 7:30 in the morning and gets out at 6:00 in the evening when rehearsal ends. He rehearses every Saturday from 9:00 to 3:00. Starting next week he has two weeks of rehearsing until 10:00 at night. And Sundays are thrown in too. He does that, squeezes in homework, and even managed to go to the Homecoming dance last week. My schedule was never any where near that daunting.
AustinOver on my Facebook page, Austin Hall posted his first woodworking project. He is 12 and has a very limited set of tools: a handsaw, a drill bit, a sander, a protractor, a ruler, and glue, yet managed to design and build a birdhouse. (Im pretty sure my first project was a birdhouse, too.)  To make the hole, he drilled a series of holes around a circle and popped it out. Having a desire to achieve something is the first step in any process.
Luca Browski is a friend of my sons. Shes 14 and filled with talent. Check out her singing in this video. And she plays the ukulele, which is just so cool. Drop by her YouTube channel, especially her recent live performance up in Napa and leave her some comments!

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